Category Archives: animals

Winners contacted, and new novel on August 6

Thank you, thank you to those readers whose comment included a life lesson I can draw from our experience with Cassie! I have contacted each of the seven winners to offer his/her choice of my available books, OR, also available, A Matter of Mercy, coming out on August 6, about which I will proceed to… Continue Reading

The Dog’s News

You might remember my telling you that we’d adopted a puppy and that Cassie might be kinda sorta batshit crazy? I think I mentioned that her preferred snack appeared to be throw rugs and upholstered furniture? And that her favorite exercise equipment was a trampoline–which would have been fine but that trampoline was my husband’s… Continue Reading

The Last Day

What do you do when you know for sure it’s the last day? Some of it, for sure, is what you’ve been doing for months. At five in the morning, you hope the dog you’ve nursed those months hasn’t soiled the bed and that you can get him out in time. This morning happened to… Continue Reading

The Language of Kin: A Preview

When I was a new teenager with caring but clueless parents, I used to ride my bike to crazy places on Connecticut’s hilly back roads. Older boys reckless with their shiny drivers licenses, considered those narrow roads their personal racetracks, small wildlife be damned. (I was positive they had cheated on their driver’s tests.) It… Continue Reading

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