Category Archives: the writing life

Winners contacted, and new novel on August 6

Thank you, thank you to those readers whose comment included a life lesson I can draw from our experience with Cassie! I have contacted each of the seven winners to offer his/her choice of my available books, OR, also available, A Matter of Mercy, coming out on August 6, about which I will proceed to… Continue Reading

The Dog’s News

You might remember my telling you that we’d adopted a puppy and that Cassie might be kinda sorta batshit crazy? I think I mentioned that her preferred snack appeared to be throw rugs and upholstered furniture? And that her favorite exercise equipment was a trampoline–which would have been fine but that trampoline was my husband’s… Continue Reading

A Little About A Lot

Hello friends–I’m wondering if you’ve had times when you’ve felt overwhelmed by commitments to which you’ve blithely said, “Sure, I’ll do that,”  and then, seeing a list of what you’re taken on–and wouldn’t dream of backing out of–you’re suddenly face-slapping yourself and choking out, “OMG, what have I done?” And at the same time, you… Continue Reading

A Strange Lead Into A New Subject

It all started Thanksgiving week. My husband, Alan, was still in California where he’d gone to be with members of his immediate family during a death and stayed afterward to help out. Here at home things were within shouting distance of normal. One afternoon I was taking Scout, the yellow Lab, for his annual physical.… Continue Reading

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