Category Archives: animal/human relationship

The Dog’s News

You might remember my telling you that we’d adopted a puppy and that Cassie might be kinda sorta batshit crazy? I think I mentioned that her preferred snack appeared to be throw rugs and upholstered furniture? And that her favorite exercise equipment was a trampoline–which would have been fine but that trampoline was my husband’s… Continue Reading

The Last Day

What do you do when you know for sure it’s the last day? Some of it, for sure, is what you’ve been doing for months. At five in the morning, you hope the dog you’ve nursed those months hasn’t soiled the bed and that you can get him out in time. This morning happened to… Continue Reading

A Little About A Lot

Hello friends–I’m wondering if you’ve had times when you’ve felt overwhelmed by commitments to which you’ve blithely said, “Sure, I’ll do that,”  and then, seeing a list of what you’re taken on–and wouldn’t dream of backing out of–you’re suddenly face-slapping yourself and choking out, “OMG, what have I done?” And at the same time, you… Continue Reading

A Strange Lead Into A New Subject

It all started Thanksgiving week. My husband, Alan, was still in California where he’d gone to be with members of his immediate family during a death and stayed afterward to help out. Here at home things were within shouting distance of normal. One afternoon I was taking Scout, the yellow Lab, for his annual physical.… Continue Reading

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