Category Archives: A Matter Of Mercy novel by Lynne Hugo

Winners contacted, and new novel on August 6

Thank you, thank you to those readers whose comment included a life lesson I can draw from our experience with Cassie! I have contacted each of the seven winners to offer his/her choice of my available books, OR, also available, A Matter of Mercy, coming out on August 6, about which I will proceed to… Continue Reading

Award for A Matter of Mercy

A Matter of Mercy won the Independent Publishers Silver Medal for Best North-East Fiction last week.  It has a shiny new medallion on the cover.  Kristina Makansi of Blank Slate Press, my publisher, will be in New York City at Book Expo America and will represent me at the award ceremony.  Of course, it’s gratifying to see… Continue Reading

My Facebook Wedding

I must have gotten engaged without realizing it.  All I know is this:  my sister called and said I’d posted something on Facebook about how another author’s book was an overnight best seller with no marketing effort.  She wanted to know why my publisher doesn’t use this obviously brilliant system for A Matter of Mercy. “I… Continue Reading

On Control

I love control.  If everyone—including my dog—would only do what I tell them, it would put the fun back in dysfunctional and (my) life would go so much more smoothly.  Let’s include objects too, so my computer would stop being a butthead.  Ditto my iphone 5s, and Siri, who clearly has a learning problem.  Oh, it… Continue Reading

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