Category Archives: the writing life

Men Are Hilarious

My 97 year old father-in-law has always said, “One boy is one boy but two boys are half a boy.”  He doubtless developed this theory because he had two sons 18 months apart.  After five years of that fiasco, he and his wife must have been desperate to improve the balance of civilizing forces (add a girl) because they tried again.  Apparently, they wisely… Continue Reading

Do The Right Thing Even If You Look Like An Idiot

Have you ever tried to do what you were pretty sure was the right thing only to have it explode?  Even have two other seemingly sane and intelligent people tell you yes, you should do it before you went ahead and did that thing that exploded? So here’s the story.  It was Saturday’s chilly dusk and I was driving home.  I’d reached my own quiet… Continue Reading

And Then There Were Three

No fault of the chicken gynecologist’s, but Meg didn’t make it.  She’d seemed much better shortly after the stuck egg removal by Nik and bathtub treatment by Diana, but then she worsened steadily over the next couple of days.  Desperate stabs at word combinations on Google finally yielded a diagnosis that perfectly matched her symptoms: … Continue Reading

The Chicken Gynecologist

Here’s another story about the urban chickens.  I have to admit that research for the next novel is accumulating much faster and more conveniently than material for the one I’m currently writing.  On which I should be concentrating.  But we’re in the first crisis with Diana’s girls, and Nik (her British husband, once renowned for his dedication to reading… Continue Reading

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