I was recently asked by the editors of a small press to write my life story in six words and to “Be as pithy as possible.” Seriously. After fooling with this task for a completely ridiculous amount of time, choosing, discarding, and switching up the...
This one is easy. Writers need to exercise because they spend way too much time sitting, usually with bad posture, usually in bad chairs. At least this writer does. So after my little chiropractic adventure (see last post) I decided to listen to my brother-in-law,...
The most profound insight I’ve reached lately is that a writer needs an excellent chair. Much better than the one I have, which I’m pretty sure is causing my back pain. (Another possible cause is watching TV while yielding most of the couch to a...
Sometimes we don’t know what’s on our minds until we wake from a dream in a dark room. This is especially true for me when I’m working on a first draft, living a story in my head as I set down rows of words and take most of them back. Last night I...
Sometimes I remind myself of the Don Quixote of our yard. He’s a lunatic robin doing valiant battle through this long and glorious spring. I can’t believe he hasn’t killed himself yet. When morning is only a soft charcoal suggestion, he begins flying...