I think most people have probably had a year here or there that was just really rough. 2019 has been that way for my family. My husband had prostate cancer (successfully treated, I’m thankful to say), quickly followed by a hip replacement, then his opposite knee had to be replaced. Those of you who have been through joint replacement know that’s so worth it, but the physical therapy is long and arduous. Then, of course, thanks to Scout the Lab–who insists it wasn’t his fault, but it definitely was–I broke my ankle out in the woods. Right around the time we thought we’d gotten through it all, the worst imaginable happened. Our son died. I will miss him forever. The picture above is one of of my favorites.
I know how much other people also suffer–health crises, losses to fire and flood, and death in their family by natural and unnatural causes. If this has been a rough year for you, too, I empathize and care. I also am aware that while much is taken, much abides. My husband and I have a wonderful, loving family who were all here to support us and each other. We have resources–a solid home in a safe and beautiful town, always enough to eat, and can meet our physical needs. So, so many cannot say the same. We are genuinely grateful.
I can’t say I’ll be sorry to see 2019 move into 2020. But first I do want to say thank you, that I wish you lovely holidays whatever ones you celebrate and, especially, joy, health, peace and a good year in 2020.