A Strange Lead Into A New Subject

A Strange Lead Into A New Subject

It all started Thanksgiving week. My husband, Alan, was still in California where he'd gone to be with members of his immediate family during a death and stayed afterward to help out. Here at home things were within shouting distance of normal. One afternoon I was...

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It’s Right There…Somewhere

It’s Right There…Somewhere

Finally. A purely ridiculous event to share with you. If you happen to follow my posts on Instagram, you know that I was away for a month in my beloved  Provincetown--the very outermost tip of Cape Cod, home to artists, writers, fishing fleets, and lovers of wild...

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Carrying Out Trash and Good Stuff. Plus A Giveaway

Carrying Out Trash and Good Stuff. Plus A Giveaway

Well, you sure can’t say I haven’t kept my word about not clogging your inbox, can you? Unless you’ve seen my occasional posts on Instagram and/or Facebook, or maybe better, followed me on Book Bub for the book reviews I post, in the unlikely chance it even crossed...

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A Covid Book Launch

A Covid Book Launch

It’s that time. This Tuesday, August 25, is publication day for The Book of CarolSue and I will enter the horrifying world of covid-era book launch, which means that all “events” are online. Like on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and whatever else I’ve forgotten I’m...

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Giveaway Winners

Thank you so much, everyone who read and responded so openly to the last post. I wish I could send a book to every single person. I hope people will take the time to go back to it and read the comments. Maybe they will remind you, as they did me, that often we have no...

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Another Opening–and A Giveaway

Another Opening–and A Giveaway

Do you remember that song, "Another Opening, Another Show"? One stanzas goes, "You cross your fingers and hold your heart. It's curtain time and away we go..." I can't cross my fingers (makes typing impossible), but I do hold my heart and my breath as I write to you:...

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Looking Back and Ahead

Looking Back and Ahead

I think most people have probably had a year here or there that was just really rough. 2019 has been that way for my family. My husband had prostate cancer (successfully treated, I'm thankful to say), quickly followed by a hip replacement, then his opposite knee had...

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Maybe this happens to you, too? You’re breathing out relief because you got through something—and you look back and feel immense gratitude for the help that carried you to the other side. My husband and I have limped through a tough year with a lot of help from our...

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The Dog’s Publication Day Complaint

The Dog’s Publication Day Complaint

I have always been an animal lover. Possibly, like enough of my identity to be embarrassing, it was born of rebellion against my parents. Well, actually my mother. It was she who was most vocal in her adamant refusal to let me and my sister have a pet. Jan and I...

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