Category Archives: theme development in fiction

Of Horses, Humans, and Healing

Of course, it’s not only horses; it’s most animals that respond to human attention, nurture, and love on what is very much a two-way street. I wrote about my beautiful therapy Labrador retriever, Hannah, in Where The Trail Grows Faint, a memoir of her antics while she and I worked in a nursing home at… Continue Reading

Writing About The Elderly

Hannah, my chocolate Lab, a main character in Where The Trail Grows Faint, will be thirteen next month.  Our forays into the woods have changed, although she still shows me that she wants to go by following me to the door in the late afternoon when I get up from working to head out for a walk.  She waits… Continue Reading

Mercy (an excerpt from a novel-in-progress)

I hope the deer was the last thing Cory saw, not the pickup truck careening toward him, and I hope his eyes were wide and soft with pleasure.  We’re here to teach our children and grandchildren, I know that.  But sometimes we see things through their eyes and everything changes. Every November for ten days… Continue Reading

On Structure…an approach

Have I been out to start the primary research of hunting caches yet?  Okay, I’m a wimp.  The ground is snow-covered, temperatures frigid.  Yes, my chocolate Lab, Hannah, gets a daily hike in the woods.  But geocaching involves moving more slowly than she and I do, backtracking, stopping to check waypoints on the GPS, and presently… Continue Reading

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